Pouring down rain today, which is much better than the heat.
My companion is going home this next week which is great because I need to
forget about home and just learn Portuguese and work. This transfer has been
the hardest of my mission, thus far. I love my companion, but we could have and
should work more.
Things that I’ve learned from my companion:
1 You have to love everybody
2 Don't get distracted while you work
3 Love as much as you can about the country (even though it’s
a 3rd world country...and doesn't have dryers or carpet)
4 Go to bed on time and get up on time
5 Study everyday
6 Work with no regrets
7 Don't be rebellious about the little rules, just do them.
You must consecrate your life to be a successful missionary.
To be honest I’ve been upset with myself and the progress in the area and have
been blaming it on the members, my companion, the people, the climate etc. But
I have no excuse for my laziness here. I’m not saying that I’ve been at home
doing nothing for the past few weeks, but my heart and desire have not been in
it. I have some repenting to do. If I love the Lord, you better be showing it,
John 14:15, ‘If ye love me, keep my commandments.’ I must try to be perfect
just as Christ asks.
Eu sei que A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias é única igreja da
face da terra que é verdadeira. Jesus Cristo vive e O Pai dele me ama e te e
todo mundo. Se a gente quiser voltar e viver com Ele de novo, Nós precisamos fazer nossa parte e viver como Cristo, sendo
perfeito. Eu amo vocês, guardam os mandamentos.
{I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only church on earth that is true. Jesus Christ lives, and his Father loves me and you and everyone. If we want to go back and live with him again, we need to do our part and live as Christ, being perfect. I love you, keep the commandments.}
Élder Willard