Monday, September 30, 2013

Worst week of the Mission (so far)

It has been the worst week of the mission because we didn't teach anybody, really nobody. I got a migraine which was terrible, and stayed home for 2 days, then we worked in another area for a day, then a service project. Then we passed 2 days trying to contact all of our investigators but nobody was home or was busy.

It was pretty sad but we are happy; it’s part of the work. I got the package a few days ago, THANKS MOM YOU ARE SUPER FLY.

I´m having some problems with my companion. It seems like everything has to be done his way which is tiring me out. I just let him make all the decision and I don't say anything. If I critique him, he shuts down and stops talking. But it will get better...I hope.

Yesterday I shared some of my peanut butter (that came in the package) with Marlene. She said, “Que delicia.” Brazil doesn’t have peanut butter (that´s good and cheap). They have some kind of peanut butter that is terrible and expensive.

I´m learning new things every day, and I’m learning that I don’t know almost anything.

Go back to the mission field Frazier

Elder Willard

Monday, September 23, 2013

Semana Farropilha

Rain, rain, rain.

This week was a holiday here in Rio Grande do Sul.

Apparently a long time ago, the south of Brazil, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul wanted to separate from the rest of Brazil and be their own country, much like Texas. And apparently had a little mini war. But they ended up staying with Brazil. This holiday is called Semana Farropilha. Everybody walks around in their tradition `Gaúcho` clothes, eat barbecue, riding on horseback, dancing traditional `Gaúcho` music, and drinking Chimarrão.

But the rain pretty much destroyed the merriment.

Emerson was confirmed and received the Priesthood yesterday but it looks like he´ll get married and will move back to Canoas with his ex-girlfriend and be a member there. It’s great that he´ll be happy and get married and keep the commandments but...sad that he´s leaving.

We had the opportunity to work in another area last Friday and while we were knocking doors, we found a little old lady, who will turn 80 next month. She offered us food and shelter from the rain. She revealed to us that much of her family are members of the church and that she isn't. She also was very sad about her son-in-law who is dying of bone cancer. We shared with her how our families can live together forever and the importance of baptism. She readily accepted the invitation to be baptized and said that she would call a relative to baptize her.

It’s neat how the gospel cures us emotional and spiritual, if we let it.

I love you all.
Eat your vegetables,

Elder Willard

Monday, September 16, 2013

Baptizing in a Swimming Pool

We had a baptism in a swimming pool, I´ll send the pictures next week. His name is Emerson and he’s progressing a lot.

We had stake conference and 3 of our converts received the Melchezidek priesthood, which was awesome to see that the ward is helping out a lot.

We miraculously found a less active who has been trying to find the church who was asking everyone she knows if they have heard of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But no luck until we knocked on her door. She went to conference yesterday and is becoming active again.

We had transfers today and I will stay with Elder Murilo, so I will stay here for 6 weeks. I would like to stay here for the rest of my mission but I don’t know if it will happen.


We had a lesson yesterday with a family that is having lots of problems with a rich aunt. The aunt claims that the dad of the family beat her. And without evidence, he has to go to jail for 90 days. Dad didn’t do anything and is terrified to go to jail and ran away, which makes matters worse because innocent people don’t run.

So we counseled the wife that we should keep the law of the land and that the dad should turn himself in. And after the truth come out, justice will be served. Apparently there are a lot of witness and evidence to support that the aunt is lying. It´s super crazy to tell an innocent person that they should go to jail.
The gospel was made to bless everyone, we just have to live it.

Get better mom,
Elder Willard

Monday, September 9, 2013


I saw monkeys!!!!
He was on the side of the road eating leaves in this tree with 3 other monkeys.

We are teaching a man who was forced to leave his wife (really girlfriend, not married) because of problems with respect and disagreement in priorities.

The wife works too much and the husband wants time to be together. Emerson, the husband, is now leaving with his Aunt and Uncle and we are teaching him. He discovered for himself that the church is true because his whole life he has had doubts about the bible and lots of questions that no one could answer. But he told us that all of his questions are being answered through the Book of Mormon and now he wants to be baptized.

Emerson has also been struggling to know want to do about his wife; should he go back and try to live the gospel and marry her or get baptized and start over here. He told us yesterday that he is going to stay because he won’t be able to follow Heavenly Father and keep the commandments with his wife, because she doesn’t want too.  Truly a huge sacrifice on his part to keep the commandments.

The word of Heavenly Father helps us change, if we let it.

I’m very grateful to see the changes in the lives of the people we teach, and to see them become even happier.

Elder Willard